The Melbourne and Michael Folkes Foundation means to me that I am going to work harder, achieve more, serve God and obey my parents. It also encourages me to be confident in anything I am doing. The Foundation helps me to have a high self-esteem and be courageous. Mighty in character- MIC

Jevaun Reid, Student, Mount Waddy Primary School, Friendship, Jamaica

Mighty in Character means to achieve goals. It helps us as students to do well in school. It helps us to be polite and sharing and to believe in God.

Kadian Harrison, Student, Mount Waddy Primary School, Friendship, Jamaica

Auditorium Project

The Foundation will build a multi-purpose auditorium at the Mount Waddy Primary School in Friendship, Jamaica. The space will be used for:

  • Physical Education - Without a suitable indoor space, students may only enjoy Physical Education (P.E.) when the weather is suitable outdoors. However, the auditorium will provide a fantastic facility suitable for P.E. in all weathers, and is intended to improve the health, fitness and well-being of the school's young people.
  • Health Fairs (see Medical Care) - An excellent environment in which to have an approved health care facility to meet the wellness needs of the students and local community. 
  • Graduations - To celebrate achievement with parents and to inspire younger students to aim high.
  • Cultural Activities - A creative space in which to share, demonstrate and celebrate dance, music, theater and art.
"Lead from a place that yields consistent positive results." - Michael A Folkes