Mighty in Character means a lot to me. It helps me to keep on the right path. I love Mighty in Character. It helps me to be more focused and to do the things that are right. I really respect Mighty in Character. I am Mighty in my Character. I enjoy Mighty in Character.

Jahnea Newby, Student, Mount Waddy Primary School, Friendship, Jamaica

MIC has made many changes in my life since it was launched on April 14, 2014. It gives me the courage and the ability to do much better than I usually did before. It has made me a better girl, and I have learned to do many more possible things.

Kellanie Kelly, Student, Mount Waddy Primary School, Friendship, Jamaica


Michael A Folkes, 

Rosemary Koomson, 
Project Manager

Claudine Rose, 

Mrs. Inez Hawthorne, 
Principal, Mount Waddy Primary School, Friendship, Jamaica